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Please read our blog about a wide variety of insurance topics. Please feel free to ask us any questions.

Does My Homeowners Insurance Cover Internal Damage?

Does My Homeowners Insurance Cover Internal Damage?

When they think of homeowners insurance, many people have fires, storms, and natural disasters in mind. But what about internal damage, such as water leaks and mold? Are these problems covered? Your policy is likely to cover certain types of internal damage, but not all. Our knowledgeable agency will be happy to review your homeowners insurance policy and ensure you are covered for any eventuality....

Surety Bonds Vs. Professional Liability (Errors & Omissions) Insurance

Surety Bonds Vs. Professional Liability (Errors & Omissions) Insurance

Surety bonds are a useful service, but not the same thing as professional liability insurance, also known as errors and omissions (E&O) insurance. You may need both surety bonds and professional liability insurance to safeguard your business. What Are Surety Bonds? A surety bond is a contract between three or more parties, issued by a surety company on behalf of a party known as the...

Driving Safely In Inclement Weather

Driving Safely In Inclement Weather

The arrival of spring means a long break from icy, snow-packed roads and winter driving conditions. Although snow and ice may not be a problem during the warmer months, inclement weather can still cause hazardous driving conditions. High winds and heavy rains are common in the spring, and peak tornado season is during the spring and summer. Weather Hazards In The Spring and Summer During...

Can I Still See My Own Doctor After Filing For Workers' Compensation?

Can I Still See My Own Doctor After Filing For Workers' Compensation?

There is no yes or no answer to that question. Each state has its own set of complicated rules for when you can see your own doctor for a work-related injury covered by workers’ compensation insurance. Generally, but with some exceptions, your employer’s insurance company determines which doctors you see when you have filed a workers’ comp claim. Workers’ compensation can be confusing, and the...

Protecting Your Home During Thunderstorms

Protecting Your Home During Thunderstorms

Heavy thunderstorms can wreak havoc on a home. The following tips can help protect your property if you live in an area where storms frequently occur. Trim or Remove Trees Storms can snap off tree branches, which can damage your home or detached structures. Get your trees trimmed before the stormy season and cut down any trees that are unwanted. Unless you are confident you...